Psc CHEMISTRYമുൻവർഷങ്ങളിൽ ആവർത്തിച്ച കെമിസ്ട്രി 70 ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ


മുൻവർഷങ്ങളിൽ ആവർത്തിച്ച കെമിസ്ട്രി 70 ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ*

1. Which element has the lowest melting point?
Ans:- Helium

2. The element with the highest densi-111:
Ans:- Osmium

3. The lightest metal:
Ans:- Lithium

4. The element with the highest boiling point:
Ans:- Tungsten

5. The most abundant elements in the Sun in the correct order:
Ans:- H,He,O

6. Which element has the second highest density?
Ans:- Iridium

7. The most abundant metal in human body:
Ans:- Calcium

8. What percent of the atmosphere is Oxygen?
Ans:- 20.95

9. What percent of the mass of human body is Oxygen?
Ans:- 65

10. Select the correct order of abundance in the atmosphere:
Ans:- N,O,Ar,CO2

11. The most common element on the earth's crust by mass:
Ans:- Oxygen

12. The most abundant element in the moon:
Ans:- Oxygen

13. Which metal has the highest melting point?
Ans:- Tungsten

14. The most abundant metal in Earth:
Ans:- Iron

15. The element with atomic number 100:
Ans:- Fermium 

16. Water has maximum density at __ degree Celsius:
Ans:- 4

17. The gas using for filling balloons:
Ans:- Helium

18. Beryllium aluminum silicate is known as:
Ans:- Emerald

19. The isotope using for radio carbon dating:
Ans:- Carbon-14

20. Which is not correctly matched?
Ans:- Helium-Chemical sun

21. The best non-metallic conductor of electricity:
Ans:- Graphite

22. The first Trans Uranic element:
Ans:- Neptunium

23. Most chemically reactive element?
Ans:- Flourine

24. The colour of sodium vapour lamp:
Ans:- Yellow

25. The essential constituent chlorophyll:
Ans:- Magnisium

26. The first to isolate aluminium from bauxite:
Ans:- Charles Martin Hall

27. The main constituent of bone:
Ans:- Calcium phosphate

28. Which is used for the vulcanisation of rubber:
Ans:- Sulpher

29. The most abundant inert gas:
Ans:- Argon

30. Which is known as the 'metal of future'?
Ans:- Titanium 

31.Galvanisation is the process of coating of on other metals.
Ans:- Zinc

32. What is known as the ling of poi-sons'?
Ans:- Arsenic

33. What is used in fire works for red flame?
Ans:- Strontium

34. The first element that was produced artificially:
Ans:- Technitium

35. Chemical used for artificial rain:
Ans:- Silver iodide

36. The rarest metal:
Ans:- Rhodium

37. The best conductor of heat and electricity:
Ans:- Silver

38. The most electropositive stable element:
Ans:- Caesium

39. Barium imparts _ colour to flames:
Ans:- Green

40. What is known as 'little silver'?
Ans:- Platinum

41. What is used as an X ray radio contrast agent?
Ans:- Barium

42. Semi conductor used for making integrated circuits:
Ans:- Germanium.

43. Number of Hydrogen atoms in a water molecule:
Ans:- 2

44. The only substance in exists in nature in three three forms- solid, liquid and gas:
Ans:- Water

45. Atomic number of Carbon:
Ans:- 6

46. Which is known as 'universal sol-vent'?
Ans:- Water

47. The total number of natural elements:
Ans:- 92

48. The poisonous gas emited from the engines of two wheelers:
Ans:- Carbon Monoxide

49. Gas filled in the tyres of aeroplanes:
Ans:- Helium I

50. The pH value of water:
Ans:- 7

51. Element which is used in Torch cell:
Ans:- Zinc

52. Non metal element present in liq-uid state:
Ans:- Bromine

53. Purest form of water:
Ans:- Rain water

54. Water has minimum density at _ degree Celsius.
Ans:- 0

55. The most abundant salt in sea water:
Ans:- Sodium chloride

56. Colour of hydrogen gas:
Ans:- Colourless

57. Water is known as:
Ans:- Blue gold

58. Which is known as 'Chemical Sun'?
Ans:- Magnisium

59. Which is known as 'Yellow Cake'?
Ans:- Uranium oxide

60. Element formed during hydrogen bomb explosion:
Ans:- Helium

61. Which symbol is incorrect?
Ans:- Potassium-P

62. Ozone is a/an _:
Ans:- Element

63. Nucleon is:
Ans:- Neutron+Proton

64. Element present in DNA and RNA:
Ans:- Phosphorus

65. Element present in all explosives:
Ans:- Nitrogen

66. Ithai-Ithai disease is caused by:
Ans:- Cadmium

67. Which element. has the name with the meaning 'stranger'?
Ans:- Xenon

68. Sweetest natural sugar:
Ans:- Fructose

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